Over many years Power Grade has built a reputation on quality. Our crews in the field work every day to maintain that reputation. Even under the most challenging conditions they stay committed to taking pride in their work. That standard is something George ascribes to and hopes continues with every new crew member that joins us at Power Grade.
George, tell us a little bit about your background and what you do at Power Grade.
“I’m 34 years old, I’ve been at Power Grade for five years now. Before Power Grade I was a carpenter, I worked alongside a lot of the guys out here, I was a part of the Carpenters Union. I do a little bit of everything the company does now. I went from doing concrete work my first year to forming, then setting up for lattice towers, TSPs, and on from there. I got on with the IBEW in 2018.”
What do you enjoy most about your job or working for Power Grade?
“Every day is different. Certain jobs you go to the same spots, routine, it is just always the same. With Power Grade it’s always new. One day you are at a substation, the next day working out in the middle of the desert replacing a tower, it’s never boring. Always something new.”
What is your hope for Power Grade as we continue to grow?
“I look forward to the work. What the new work will be with green energy and things changing and branching out. I would like to see how big we can get. I would also like to see more people coming out here and working for us that care, everyone out here really cares about the quality of their work, they aren’t just here to get a check. I want to see people out here that want to be a part of Power Grade. “
What is the best wisdom you’ve received on the job that you can hand down?
“Don’t come to work thinking you know everything. You can always learn something new and there is a lot out there to learn.”
Lastly, what is your why? What makes you want to show up every day?
“What drives me is my family, I have two boys and a wife. Honestly the fact that I am out of town a lot, it’s hard, but it’s all for them. I want to give them something better than what I had. I want my sons to see me out here working hard and know I want them to do what I do but even better. The saying is to be better than the last.”